Meta Project

The Unofficial Meta Documentation

Meta datatypes overview

A  B  E  F  I  L  N  P  S  T  W  


ANY-WHOLE!   - ANY-WHOLE! This datatype is synonym for all WHOLE! types.

ARRAY!   - ARRAY! qualifies the ARRAY type in Meta

BINARY!   - BINARY! datatype of Meta

BLOCK!   - BLOCK! Block is the way to group statements together.

BYTE!   - BYTE! Representing the numbers 0 up to 255.

ENVIRONMENT!   - ENVIRONMENT! Contains data with respect to the current environment.

ERROR!   - ERROR! Type with info about caught errors.

FILE!   - FILE! the file datatype for Meta.

FILE-PORT!   - FILE-PORT! A computer port used for file IO.

FLOATER!   - FLOATER! Floating point type

FLOATER32!   - FLOATER32! Floating point type, limited to 32 bit.

FLOATER64!   - FLOATER64! Floating point type, limited to 64 bit.

INS!   - INS! These are the inputs of the system

LINK!   - LINK! Summary

LOGIC!   - LOGIC! is the datatype that in other programming languages often is known as Boolean.

NATURAL!   - NATURAL! Natural number, positive whole number type.

NATURAL16!   - NATURAL16! Natural number, positive whole number type. Limited to 16 bit.

NATURAL32!   - NATURAL32! Natural number, positive whole number type. Limited to 8 bit.

NATURAL64!   - NATURAL64! Natural number, positive whole number type. Limited to 64 bit.

NONE!   - NONE! The value of the variable has not been set it is still a NONE! value.

NOTHING!   - NOTHING! to see here, walk on please!

NUMBER!   - NUMBER! Symbolizes number types.

PORT!   - PORT! A computer port used for file IO and other communication.

SERIES!   - SERIES! Series is not an implemented datatype, it's a type class.

SIZE!   - SIZE! - Size is used to automatically assign a right size to a variable.

STRING!   - STRING! The string data type is a sequence of characters. A STRING! can be used as a literal constant or as variable.

TEXT!   - TEXT! is a placeholder for STRING! datatype

WHOLE!   - WHOLE! is the datatype that represents signed whole numbers

WHOLE8!   - WHOLE8! datatype that represents signed whole numbers limited to 8 bit.

WHOLE16!   - WHOLE16! datatype that represents signed whole numbers limited to 16 bit.

WHOLE32!   - WHOLE32! datatype that represents signed whole numbers limited to 32 bit.

WHOLE64!   - WHOLE64! datatype that represents signed whole numbers limited to 64 bit.


ARRAY!   - ARRAY! qualifies the ARRAY type in Meta

FILE-PORT!   - FILE-PORT! A computer port used for file IO.

PORT!   - PORT! A computer port used for file IO and other communication.

SERIES!   - SERIES! Series is not an implemented datatype, it's a type class.


FILE!   - FILE! the file datatype for Meta.

FILE-PORT!   - FILE-PORT! A computer port used for file IO.

LINK!   - LINK! Summary

PORT!   - PORT! A computer port used for file IO and other communication.


ANY-WHOLE!   - ANY-WHOLE! This datatype is synonym for all WHOLE! types.