Meta Project

The Unofficial Meta Documentation

Meta examples

How to compile a program quickly?

You will need the compilation script from the official Meta Project site, you will find it on this page and it gives you the script.

While it is quite easy to compile your program with Meta, chances are you will want to organize your sources a little more than keeping all scripts in the same folder as your ./run script. Easiest method to support this is in my opinion by creating a shell script to take care of this task. Like on Linux:

./run directory/of/your/program/yourprogram.meta
cp directory/of/your/program/yourprogram
cd directory/of/your/program
cd ../../../

Now when you save this as a .sh script, this will compile, copy your program, run it and return to the directory where your 'run' program is located. When your program is still in a phase where a compilation error is to be expected this approach will execute the previous compiled, so to start, just use the first two lines of such a script.

How can you write a file in Meta?

It is pretty easy.

Meta [
    Title: "Test create and write to a file"
    file: ./filewrite.meta
FILENAME: "newfile"
folder-part: "./old"
specify-file: TO FILE! (join/with join/with join/with folder-part "/" FILENAME ".txt")
Either file-handle= try OPEN/NEW specify-file [
    append file-handle "Yes! We did it!"
    close file-handle
    write/line "Not able to open or create file to write"
write/line "Will there be a new file? Quick! Take a look!"

Not in the web console, just compile and test. When you do want to re-use the file handle name ('file-handle') be sure to not use the 'file-handle=' notation but in such a case use 'file-handle: '.

Split text on space

To create your own split functionality you can follow this example code.

Sentence: "Hello you good folks that are supporters of the Meta language"
text-left: sentence
while text-left [
    text-left: find/tail sentence " " ; space
    forward: (count sentence ) - (count text-left)
    word: copy cut sentence forward
    write/line word
    sentence: skip sentence forward

Above code has a flaw, hope you have noticed. So if you do not want the spaces after each word change to this.

Sentence: "Hello you good folks that are supporters of the Meta language"
text-left: sentence
while text-left [
    text-left: find sentence " " ; space
    forward: (count sentence ) - (count text-left)
    word: copy cut sentence forward
    write/line word
    sentence: skip sentence forward + 1

So leaving the /tail and adding + 1 in the last line.

Another flaw with this, is you should right trim your sentence at the beginning and left trim each time at the start of the while loop. By the way if you also want to separate on tabs too, the TAB is also available in Meta.

How to (right) trim a string

Meta []
string: "hello 	 "
trimmed?: false
until (
    length: count string
    either any [" " = skip string length - 1
                TAB = skip string length - 1] [
       string: copy cut string (length - 1)
       trimmed?: true
write "Trimmed string is:" write string write/line "<-- ends here now."

One problem with this TRIM happened when I imported a file made on a Windows system. This file contains line endings that are CRLF type and not LF as on Linux/Unix systems. The presumed empty strings were not empty anymore but contained 1 character. With the new FIRST-OF function I found out that the remaining character had number 13, it was a CR.

I had to transform my CRLF encoded file to a LF encoded one.

sed -i 's/\r//' fileWindows.txt

helped out.

Upper and lower case of a string

string: "Hello World!"
lower-characters: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
upper-string: ""
lower-string: ""
length: count string
for index [1 length][
    lowchar: upchar: copy cut at string index 1
    either found: find lower-characters lowchar [
        upchar: copy cut at upper-characters (27 - (count found)) 1
        if found: find upper-characters upchar [
            lowchar: copy cut at lower-characters (27 - (count found)) 1
    upper-string: join/with upper-string upchar
    lower-string: join/with lower-string lowchar
write "Lowercase: " write/line lower-string
write "Uppercase: " write/line upper-string

And the result is:

Lowercase: hello world!
Uppercase: HELLO WORLD!

Whole to binary string conversion

This example converts a number to a binary string

number: 29
binary-string: ""
for index 32 [
    either is-odd number [
        binary-string: join/with "1" binary-string
        binary-string: join/with "0" binary-string
    number: number >> 1 ; this or
    ;number: number / 2
write/line binary-string

Combining this with displaying parts of the number and seeing how our endianness works on our computer.

startnumber: 149
write/line startnumber
for index 32 [
    write "index  is: " write/line index
    string: first-of startnumber
    write "First  of: "write/line string
    string: second-of startnumber
    write "Second of: "write/line string
    string: third-of startnumber
    write "Third  of: "write/line string
    string: fourth-of startnumber
    write "Fourth of: "write/line string
    number: startnumber
    write "number is: " write/line number
    binary-string: ""
    for index2 32 [
        either is-odd number [
            binary-string: join/with "1" binary-string
            binary-string: join/with "0" binary-string
        number: number / 2
    write/line binary-string
    startnumber: startnumber << 1

You might notice some strange behaviour. Of course this is due to the signed character of the numbers.

Binary string conversion

This example converts a binary string to a value, but also checks for wrong input.

bitstring: "01010xA1A0o911"
value: 0
count-zeroes: 0
count-ones: 0
is-binary: true
non-binaries: ""
length: count bitstring
if length > 64 [
    write "Your string is " write length
    write/line "characters long. Maximum input length is 64."
repeat length [
    bit: copy cut bitstring 1
    any [ if bit = "0" [ increment count-zeroes ]
          if bit = "1" [ increment count-ones ]
          is-binary: false
          if not find non-binaries bit [
              non-binaries: join/with non-binaries bit
    if is-binary [
        value: value * 2 + to whole! bit
    advance bitstring
write "Your string is " write length write " long and contains " write count-zeroes
write " and " write count-ones write/line " ones."
either is-binary [
    write "The value is: " write/line value
    write/line "but the string was not a binary string!"
    write "Value count not be computed because your string also contained these characters: "
    write/line non-binaries

Storing and Retrieving larger numbers in a binary array

This example converts a number to a couple of positions in a binary array

let [component] binary! 80000
natural16! index
for index 512 [
    poke component (index * 2 - 1)  first-of index
    poke component (index * 2)     second-of index
lijst: ""
for index [252 262][
    eerste: pick component (index * 2 - 1)
    tweede: pick component (index * 2)
    getal: tweede * 256 + eerste
    lijst: join/with join/with lijst to string! getal " "
write/line lijst

For larger number types use more byte!s.

Power function

Meta is also capable of computing numbers using math functions. For more info on that, head over to the Dictionary.

;; power
base: 10.0
highest-exponent: 16
for exponent highest-exponent [
    write/line base ^ exponent

Which results in:



base: 2
highest-exponent: 64
for exponent highest-exponent [
    write "2 ^ " write exponent write " = " write/line base ^ exponent

Results in:

2 ^ 1 = 2
2 ^ 2 = 4
2 ^ 3 = 8
2 ^ 4 = 16
2 ^ 5 = 32
2 ^ 6 = 64
2 ^ 7 = 128
2 ^ 8 = 256
2 ^ 9 = 512
2 ^ 10 = 1024
2 ^ 11 = 2048
2 ^ 12 = 4096
2 ^ 13 = 8192
2 ^ 14 = 16384
2 ^ 15 = 32768
2 ^ 16 = 65536
2 ^ 17 = 131072
2 ^ 18 = 262144
2 ^ 19 = 524288
2 ^ 20 = 1048576
2 ^ 21 = 2097152
2 ^ 22 = 4194304
2 ^ 23 = 8388608
2 ^ 24 = 16777216
2 ^ 25 = 33554432
2 ^ 26 = 67108864
2 ^ 27 = 134217728
2 ^ 28 = 268435456
2 ^ 29 = 536870912
2 ^ 30 = 1073741824
2 ^ 31 = 2147483648
2 ^ 32 = 4294967296
2 ^ 33 = 8589934592
2 ^ 34 = 17179869184
2 ^ 35 = 34359738368
2 ^ 36 = 68719476736
2 ^ 37 = 137438953472
2 ^ 38 = 274877906944
2 ^ 39 = 549755813888
2 ^ 40 = 1099511627776
2 ^ 41 = 2199023255552
2 ^ 42 = 4398046511104
2 ^ 43 = 8796093022208
2 ^ 44 = 17592186044416
2 ^ 45 = 35184372088832
2 ^ 46 = 70368744177664
2 ^ 47 = 140737488355328
2 ^ 48 = 281474976710656
2 ^ 49 = 562949953421312
2 ^ 50 = 1125899906842624
2 ^ 51 = 2251799813685248
2 ^ 52 = 4503599627370496
2 ^ 53 = 9007199254740992
2 ^ 54 = 18014398509481984
2 ^ 55 = 36028797018963968
2 ^ 56 = 72057594037927936
2 ^ 57 = 144115188075855872
2 ^ 58 = 288230376151711744
2 ^ 59 = 576460752303423488
2 ^ 60 = 1.15292150460684698e+18
2 ^ 61 = 2.30584300921369395e+18
2 ^ 62 = 4.6116860184273879e+18
2 ^ 63 = 9.22337203685477581e+18
2 ^ 64 = 1.84467440737095516e+19

Note that as humans, count is starting at 1, not 0.

base: 2
highest-exponent: 4
for exponent [0 highest-exponent] [
    write "2 ^ " write exponent write " = " write/line base ^ exponent

This makes the count from the start value.

2 ^ 0 = 1
2 ^ 1 = 2
2 ^ 2 = 4
2 ^ 3 = 8
2 ^ 4 = 16

Random example

When you first use random with Meta, you might experience some unwanted behaviour.

You have to know that random will generate a random value of the type you mention.

random 100

Will generate a random variable of type byte, because 100 can be fit inside the BYTE! type, so the result will have a value between 0 and 255.

To be able to use random as you might expect, you will have to make some modifications yourself.

I get the maximum value of a multiple under 255 and then calculate that value modulo the wanted maximum. See how this works in this practical example for a WHOLE! value between 1 and 100:

random/seed now
random-byte: random 255
while random-byte > 199 [
    random-byte: random 255
random-100: 1 + modulo random-byte 100
write/line random-100

To help a bit with checking if it really works you can try:

random/seed now
repeat 100 [
    random-byte: random 255
    while random-byte > 199 [
        random-byte: random 255
    random-100: 1 + modulo random-byte 100
    write/line random-100

Random can also be used with a slightly larger type

random/seed now
max: 0
min: 100000
for i 400 [
    write/line number: random 1000
    if number > max [max: number]
    if number < min [min: number]
write "minimum was: " write/line min
write "maximum was: " write/line max

An example outcome of this script is (without all the individual lines)

minimum was: 110
maximum was: 65494

Now let's reorder a couple of items in a random order

random/seed now
Let [items] binary! 255
; change/repeat items 0 255

for index [1 (count items)] [
    poke items index index

number-of-items= 82
for i [number-of-items 2] [
    r: random 255
    p: 256 / i
;write "i = " write i write ", r = " write r write ", p = " write/line p
    while r > (p * i) [
        r: random 255
    j: 1 + modulo r i
    swap-value: pick items i
    poke items i pick items j
    poke items j swap-value

for i number-of-items [
    write/line pick items i

write/line "Ready"

Now previous example uses a count down, but I need a constant value to use this unfortunately. To overcome this issue while Meta fixes this the next variant will serve fine for our purpose.

random/seed now
Let [items] binary! 255
; change/repeat items 0 255

for index [1 (count items)] [
    poke items index index

number-of-items: 82
for i number-of-items - 1 [
    s: number-of-items + 1 - i
    r: random 255
    p: 256 / s
write "i = " write i write ", s = " write s write ", r = " write r write ", p = " write/line p
    while r > (p * s) [
        r: random 255
    j: 1 + modulo r s
    swap-value: pick items s
    poke items s pick items j
    poke items j swap-value

for i number-of-items [
    write/line pick items i

write/line "Ready"

Simple as that.

Prime factorization of a number

The example is for computing prime factors of a number.

It is taken from a Rebol example by Sunanda on

n: 5251
m: 2
s: 1
a: ""
write/line "start"
until (
    either 0 = modulo n m [
        n: to whole! n / m
        write "found factor: "
        write/line m
        m: m + s
        s: 2
    if n < (m * m ) [
        write "found factor: "
        write/line n
        n: 1
    n = 1
) []
write/line "end"

As 'always' it also works in the web console. And the result is:

found factor: 59
found factor: 89

Recursive Program

What? Doing recursive programming in a programming language that does not provide user defined functions? (Methods)

Impossible right? Wrong!

When you know how to run another program with Meta this can replace a function call. Unfortunately the return value that any C program returns is of little use. This value is just a simple byte that could be a helpful thing in signaling troubles encountered when running the program. Not much more.

So to hand over real useful data, one must write that to a file that can be read in turn by the caller.

This is how I managed to pull this off for a simple task.

Meta [Title: "Recursively compute the sum of the numbers from n downto 1"
      file: ./sum1n.meta

buffer-file= ./buffersum1n.dat

Either argument= first-of system/program/ins [
;   write "Argument passed: "
;   write/line argument
    write/line "No argument passed"

value: to whole! argument

if value <= 1 [
    either buffer: try open/new buffer-file [
        append buffer 1
        close buffer
        bye/return 0
        write/line "unable to open buffer file"

command: join/with "./sum1n " to string! (value - 1)
write/line command
run command

either buffer: try open buffer-file [
    sum: to whole! take/line buffer
    close buffer
    write/line "unable to open buffer file"

either buffer: try open/new buffer-file [
    append buffer (sum + value)
    close buffer
    write/line "unable to open buffer file"

bye/return 0

Now show your version for factorial ;-)

Leap year?

This is a simple script that will show you what year is a leap year. You can cut and paste this into the web-console

for counter [1990 2025][
    year: counter
    leap: any[
                  0 = modulo Year 4
                  0 != modulo Year 100
              0 = modulo Year 400
    write "Year " write year write " is "
    write either leap ["a "]["not a "]
    write/line "leapyear"

And the result will be

Year 1990 is not a leapyear
Year 1991 is not a leapyear
Year 1992 is a leapyear
Year 1993 is not a leapyear
Year 1994 is not a leapyear
Year 1995 is not a leapyear
Year 1996 is a leapyear
Year 1997 is not a leapyear
Year 1998 is not a leapyear
Year 1999 is not a leapyear
Year 2000 is a leapyear
Year 2001 is not a leapyear
Year 2002 is not a leapyear
Year 2003 is not a leapyear
Year 2004 is a leapyear
Year 2005 is not a leapyear
Year 2006 is not a leapyear
Year 2007 is not a leapyear
Year 2008 is a leapyear
Year 2009 is not a leapyear
Year 2010 is not a leapyear
Year 2011 is not a leapyear
Year 2012 is a leapyear
Year 2013 is not a leapyear
Year 2014 is not a leapyear
Year 2015 is not a leapyear
Year 2016 is a leapyear
Year 2017 is not a leapyear
Year 2018 is not a leapyear
Year 2019 is not a leapyear
Year 2020 is a leapyear
Year 2021 is not a leapyear
Year 2022 is not a leapyear
Year 2023 is not a leapyear
Year 2024 is a leapyear
Year 2025 is not a leapyear

Ask example

This is a simple script that asks for your name to input. You can cut and paste this into the web-console

; ask ;
answer: ask/line "Hi what is your name?"
write/line ""
write "Welcome to Meta " write answer write/line "!!"

You will see a pop-up window where you fill out your name, next you will be prompted with yet another pop-up window asking for input. This time you choose 'Cancel' and the script will continue its task of welcoming you.

Hi what is your name?
Welcome to Meta Arnold!!

Nim game example

This is a simple script that plays a little game of nim with you. You can cut and paste this into the web-console

tokens: 12

write/line "Welcome to the Game of Nim."
write "We begin with " write tokens
write/line " tokens. On each turn, a player"
write/line "may take between 1 and 3 tokens. The player who takes the"
write/line "last token wins."
write/line ""

while tokens > 0 [
    write "Available tokens: " write/line tokens;
    ; provide a visual display
    for index [1 tokens][
        write "⛀ ";
    write new-line
    answer: ask/line "How many tokens do you want to take (1, 2 or 3)?"
    write/line ""
    removed: to whole! answer
    write "You have taken " write removed write/line " token(s)"

    tokens: tokens - removed
    computertakes: modulo tokens 4
    write "Computer takes " write computertakes write/line " token(s)"
    tokens: tokens - computertakes
wait 1
write/line "No more tokens left! I took the last one! I won!"
wait 1
write/line "Thank you for playing! Let's play again!"

You will see a pop-up window where you fill out a number from 1 up to 4 the number of tokens you want to take from the stack, next you will be prompted with yet another pop-up window asking for input. This time you choose 'Cancel' and the script will continue its task and also take its share of tokens.

Conversion of natural number to roman numeral example

This is a simple script that converts a number into its Roman numeral equivalent

roman-numeral: ""
natural: 2024
;write/line natural

while natural > 0 [
    any [if natural >= 1000 [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "M"  natural: natural - 1000]
         if natural >= 900  [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "CM" natural: natural - 900 ]
         if natural >= 500  [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "D"  natural: natural - 500 ]
         if natural >= 400  [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "CD" natural: natural - 400 ]
         if natural >= 100  [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "C"  natural: natural - 100 ]
         if natural >= 90   [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "XC" natural: natural - 90  ]
         if natural >= 50   [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "L"  natural: natural - 50  ]
         if natural >= 40   [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "XL" natural: natural - 40  ]
         if natural >= 10   [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "X"  natural: natural - 10  ]
         if natural >= 9    [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "IX" natural: natural - 9   ]
         if natural >= 5    [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "V"  natural: natural - 5   ]
         if natural >= 4    [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "IV" natural: natural - 4   ]
         if natural >= 1    [roman-numeral: join/with roman-numeral "I"  natural: natural - 1   ]
    ;write/line natural

write/line roman-numeral

You can add a dialog yourself using another example on this page.

Finding a whole division approximation for tau

This is an example to approximate the value of tau, the better half, no double, of its 'cousin' pi.

Meta []
LIMIT= 10000
TAU= 6.283185307179586476925286766559
write/line "Determine an approximation of Tau = "
write/line "6.283185307179586476925286766559"
a: 0
b: 1
c: 1
d: 1
number: tau / 10
while all[b < limit d < LIMIT] [
    t: a + c
    n: b + d
    fraction: (to floater! t) / n
    either fraction > number [
        c: t
        d: n
        a: t
        b: n

either b > limit [
    write "c/d: " write 10 * c write " / " write/line d
    write "a/b: " write 10 * a write " / " write/line b

For sure this again works inside the web console, you will see this result:

Determine an approximation of Tau =
c/d: 710 / 113

Drawing a checker board

This next example draws a simple checker board. You can cut and paste this in the web console to test.

; White draughts man ⛀ U+26C0 ⛀
;                king ⛁ U+26C1 ⛁
; Black          man ⛂ U+26C2 ⛂
;                king ⛃ U+26C3 ⛃
; Empty box (Ballot box) ☐ ☐
; White square code 2000 □
; Black square code 2000 ■
; Array using binary! ;

Let [board] binary! BOARD-SIZE

For index [1 BOARD-SIZE][
    poke board index 0

for index [1 20][
    poke board index 3
    poke board (index + 30) 2

poke board 3 5
poke board 48 4

;for index 50 [ write pick board index]
;write/line ""

; print the board
write/line "[ "
for row [1 10][
   write either is-odd row ["  "][""]
    for line [1 5][
        field: pick board (row - 1 * 5 + line)
        either 0 = field [
            write "▨"
            either 2 = field [
                write "⛀"
                either 3 = field [
                    write "⛂"
                    either 4 = field [
                        write "⛁"
                        write "⛃"
        write "   "
    write/line ""
write/line "]"

And this is the result

  ⛂   ⛂   ⛃   ⛂   ⛂
⛂   ⛂   ⛂   ⛂   ⛂
  ⛂   ⛂   ⛂   ⛂   ⛂
⛂   ⛂   ⛂   ⛂   ⛂
  ▨   ▨   ▨   ▨   ▨
▨   ▨   ▨   ▨   ▨
  ⛀   ⛀   ⛀   ⛀   ⛀
⛀   ⛀   ⛀   ⛀   ⛀
  ⛀   ⛀   ⛀   ⛀   ⛀
⛀   ⛀   ⛁   ⛀   ⛀

100 lights or doors

The problem is there are 100 lights all off, or 100 doors all closed. I chose to go along with the lightswitching like the source below. The problem is the same, sometimes also mentioned as the Locker Problem.

How does it work?

At the moment they're all off. The first person comes along and turns them all on. The second person turns every second light switch off. The third person deals with every third light switch - in that they don't just turn them on or off, if they're on they'll turn them off and if they're off they'll turn them on. And the fourth person deals with every fourth light switch, the fifth person deals with every fifth light switch

And that continues for 100 people. That's the setup, the question is: what happens at the end? Which lights or switches are on when 100 people have done this thing?

The problem came to my attention again by this video by Numberphile

Meta []
Let [lights] binary! 100
change/repeat lights 0 100
for index 100 [
    ; switch the lights
    switch: index
    while switch < 101 [
        either 0 = pick lights switch [
            poke lights switch 1
            poke lights switch 0
        switch: switch + index
    increment index
for i 10 [
    for j 10 [
        index: i - 1 * 10 + j
        write either index < 10 ["  "][" "] write index write " "
        write either 1 = pick lights index ["=ON="]["    "]
    write/line ""

The 8 Queens problem in Meta

Solving the 8 queens problem in Meta is a nice challenge. Mainly because Meta does not have the ability to use function calls, or methods as Meta will call them.

This program thus needs to use a state machine approach to handle the recursive aspect of the algorithm commonly used.

N Queens actually

The program solves the number of solutions for numbers up to 15. Because the algorithm is build smart, testing possible places for placing queens on the board first, instead of placing first and than testing, it is rather fast in solving.

Here it is, hold on to your seats..

Meta [
    Title: "N-queens solution in Meta"
      file: ./nqueens.meta

Either argument= first-of system/program/ins [
    ;write/line argument
    rows: to whole! argument
    rows: 4
    write "No argument passed, default value " write rows
    write/line " used"

Either argument2= second-of system/program/ins [
    ;write/line argument2
    count-only?: not to logic! argument2
    write/line "No second argument passed, not printing (no/false) is default"
    count-only?: True

; Do some basic timekeeping
write/line now

If any [rows < 1 rows > MAX-ROWS][
    write "Number of rows out of bounds, minimal 1, maximal " write/line MAX-ROWS

; Definition of progress the source of the values for the solution
Let [progress] binary! MAX-ROWS
change/repeat progress 0 MAX-ROWS

; available room for recursive function data max 15rows x 15steps
Let [available] binary! 225
change/repeat available 1 225

solution-count: to whole! 0
rows-odd?: is-odd rows
interest: rows * rows
half: either is-odd rows [(rows + 1) / 2][rows / 2]
symmetry-to: either is-odd rows [half - 1][half]

either rows > 1 [
    ; Place the first queen on the board from the first to the row in the middle.
    ; We only have to do half the work because of symmetry.
    for set-queen half [
        poke progress rows set-queen
        Ready?: False
        state: ROW-STATE-NEW
        current-row: rows - 1

        ; Here is the "recursive procedure call" to the add-queen 'method'
        while not ready? [
            ; determine allowed places to put a queen on this row
            if state = ROW-STATE-NEW [
                diagonal-reach: 1
                for index [current-row + 1 rows][
                    covered: pick progress index
                    poke available rows * (current-row - 1) + covered 0
                    if covered + diagonal-reach <= rows [
                        poke available rows * (current-row - 1) + covered + diagonal-reach 0
                    if covered - diagonal-reach > 0 [
                        poke available rows * (current-row - 1) + covered - diagonal-reach 0
                    increment diagonal-reach
                state: ROW-STATE-PROCESSING
            if state = ROW-STATE-PROCESSING [
                ; Check for empty
                open-locations: 0
                tel: 1
                while all [0 = open-locations
                           tel <= rows ][
                    open-locations: open-locations +
                     pick available (rows * (current-row - 1) + tel)
                    increment tel
                either 0 != open-locations [
                    either current-row = 1 [
                        ; Check for your solutions
                        for index rows [
                            if 1 = pick available (rows * (current-row - 1) + index) [
                                ; Count this one in
                                solution-count: solution-count + 1
                                if symmetry-to >= pick progress rows [
                                    ; Count this symmetric one too
                                    solution-count: solution-count + 1
                                ; We did not print yet(!)
                        ; When counting has been done we need to go up a level again
                        poke progress current-row 0
                        change/repeat skip available rows * (current-row - 1) 1 rows
                        increment current-row
                        ; get next free place and go into the function again
                        this-row-progress: pick progress current-row
                        increment this-row-progress
                        while all [rows >= this-row-progress
                                   0 = pick available (rows * (current-row - 1) + this-row-progress)
                            increment this-row-progress
                        either this-row-progress > rows [
                            poke progress current-row 0
                            change/repeat skip available rows * (current-row - 1) 1 rows
                            increment current-row
                            poke progress current-row this-row-progress
                            decrement current-row
                            state: ROW-STATE-NEW

                    poke progress current-row 0
                    change/repeat skip available rows * (current-row - 1) 1 rows
                    increment current-row
            if current-row = rows [Ready?: yes]
        ; Now clear the progress, this is okay because we are in the outermost loop here
        change/repeat progress 0 rows
        change/repeat available 1 rows * rows
    increment solution-count
    if not count-only? [
        write/line "Q "

Write "Total number of solutions for n = " write rows write " is "
write/line solution-count

; Finished at
write/line now



How does it perform on your machine? Is it comparable with other solutions you may know?

Printing boards?

If you would like, printing the results could be done. I would not recommend building the print into a version that you want to speedtest or using a print (even on console) for a board larger than 8 by 8.

But it can be done using

; print the board, the symmetric solutions are not yet printed(!)
board: ""
for-each value progress [
    if value != 0 [
        repeat value - 1 [
            board: join/with board ". "
        board: join/with board "Q "
        repeat rows - value [
            board: join/with board ". "
        board: join/with board new-line
write/line board

Or printing could be done as well like

symmetric?: yes
for p 2 [
    if any [p = 1
            all [p = 2
        for index [rows 1][
            position: pick progress index
            either p = 2 [
                position: rows - position
                rest: rows - position
                position: position - 1
            rest: rows - position
            repeat position [write ". "]
            write "Q "
            repeat rest [write ". "]
            write new-line

Hope you can appreciate algorithms like these. I solved the problem before using REN-C in my blog

Fibonacci numbers

When first Meta got introduced to the Atari age community Kaj de Vos posted a Fibonacci algorithm at Atari Age

; Maximum 24 for natural16! result
; Max 47 for natural32! result
; parameter= 24
parameter= 47

write "Fibonacci "  write parameter  write ": "

let Fibonacci natural32! 0
let previous natural32! 0

either parameter <= 1 [
    Fibonacci: parameter  ; Fibonacci 0 ... 1
    Fibonacci: previous: 1  ; Fibonacci 2
    repeat parameter - 2 [
        previous: also Fibonacci
                  Fibonacci: Fibonacci + previous

write/line Fibonacci

In this code is a curious method present: ALSO A B in this situation would mean:

let safe natural! a

On larger machines, NATURAL! and WHOLE! are larger and the same code can compute even larger Fibonacci values. To compute larger Fibonacci values on Atari 8-bit, the variables FIBONACCI and PREVIOUS can be explicitly declared as NATURAL32! type, which is 32 bits unsigned.


So here is 'also' my take on this, it takes a bit more of a traditional approach but.. Meta now has the ability to use 64 bit unsigned WHOLE! numbers, they are available through the type of NATURAL64!. An example here

;; Fibonacci numbers up to 93-rd
let number-next natural64! 0
let number-1 natural64! 1
let number-2 natural64! 1
write "Fibonacci number   0 = " write/line number-next
write "Fibonacci number   1 = " write/line number-1
write "Fibonacci number   2 = " write/line number-2
for index [3 100][
    number-next: number-1 + number-2
    number-1: number-2
    number-2: number-next
    write "Fibonacci number "
    any [if index <  10 [write "  "]
         if index < 100 [write " " ]
    ] write index
    write " = " write/line number-next

Note that number 93 is the last Fibonacci number that fits inside the 64 bit unsigned type. So the later results that are incorrect are due to this.

Fibonacci number   0 = 0
Fibonacci number   1 = 1
Fibonacci number   2 = 1
Fibonacci number   3 = 2
Fibonacci number   4 = 3
Fibonacci number   5 = 5
Fibonacci number   6 = 8
Fibonacci number   7 = 13
Fibonacci number   8 = 21
Fibonacci number   9 = 34
Fibonacci number  10 = 55
Fibonacci number  11 = 89
Fibonacci number  12 = 144
Fibonacci number  13 = 233
Fibonacci number  14 = 377
Fibonacci number  15 = 610
Fibonacci number  16 = 987
Fibonacci number  17 = 1597
Fibonacci number  18 = 2584
Fibonacci number  19 = 4181
Fibonacci number  20 = 6765
Fibonacci number  21 = 10946
Fibonacci number  22 = 17711
Fibonacci number  23 = 28657
Fibonacci number  24 = 46368
Fibonacci number  25 = 75025
Fibonacci number  26 = 121393
Fibonacci number  27 = 196418
Fibonacci number  28 = 317811
Fibonacci number  29 = 514229
Fibonacci number  30 = 832040
Fibonacci number  31 = 1346269
Fibonacci number  32 = 2178309
Fibonacci number  33 = 3524578
Fibonacci number  34 = 5702887
Fibonacci number  35 = 9227465
Fibonacci number  36 = 14930352
Fibonacci number  37 = 24157817
Fibonacci number  38 = 39088169
Fibonacci number  39 = 63245986
Fibonacci number  40 = 102334155
Fibonacci number  41 = 165580141
Fibonacci number  42 = 267914296
Fibonacci number  43 = 433494437
Fibonacci number  44 = 701408733
Fibonacci number  45 = 1134903170
Fibonacci number  46 = 1836311903
Fibonacci number  47 = 2971215073
Fibonacci number  48 = 4807526976
Fibonacci number  49 = 7778742049
Fibonacci number  50 = 12586269025
Fibonacci number  51 = 20365011074
Fibonacci number  52 = 32951280099
Fibonacci number  53 = 53316291173
Fibonacci number  54 = 86267571272
Fibonacci number  55 = 139583862445
Fibonacci number  56 = 225851433717
Fibonacci number  57 = 365435296162
Fibonacci number  58 = 591286729879
Fibonacci number  59 = 956722026041
Fibonacci number  60 = 1548008755920
Fibonacci number  61 = 2504730781961
Fibonacci number  62 = 4052739537881
Fibonacci number  63 = 6557470319842
Fibonacci number  64 = 10610209857723
Fibonacci number  65 = 17167680177565
Fibonacci number  66 = 27777890035288
Fibonacci number  67 = 44945570212853
Fibonacci number  68 = 72723460248141
Fibonacci number  69 = 117669030460994
Fibonacci number  70 = 190392490709135
Fibonacci number  71 = 308061521170129
Fibonacci number  72 = 498454011879264
Fibonacci number  73 = 806515533049393
Fibonacci number  74 = 1304969544928657
Fibonacci number  75 = 2111485077978050
Fibonacci number  76 = 3416454622906707
Fibonacci number  77 = 5527939700884757
Fibonacci number  78 = 8944394323791464
Fibonacci number  79 = 14472334024676221
Fibonacci number  80 = 23416728348467685
Fibonacci number  81 = 37889062373143906
Fibonacci number  82 = 61305790721611591
Fibonacci number  83 = 99194853094755497
Fibonacci number  84 = 160500643816367088
Fibonacci number  85 = 259695496911122585
Fibonacci number  86 = 420196140727489673
Fibonacci number  87 = 679891637638612258
Fibonacci number  88 = 1100087778366101931
Fibonacci number  89 = 1779979416004714189
Fibonacci number  90 = 2880067194370816120
Fibonacci number  91 = 4660046610375530309
Fibonacci number  92 = 7540113804746346429
Fibonacci number  93 = 12200160415121876738
Fibonacci number  94 = 1293530146158671551
Fibonacci number  95 = 13493690561280548289
Fibonacci number  96 = 14787220707439219840
Fibonacci number  97 = 9834167195010216513
Fibonacci number  98 = 6174643828739884737
Fibonacci number  99 = 16008811023750101250
Fibonacci number 100 = 3736710778780434371

Just to check these values past the 93rd number

       1     1111 1

Subtracting the maximum 64 bit unsigned value

19740274219868223167 < - what it should be
18446744073709551616-    minus the maximum value of 64 bit
 1293530146158671551     answer this program produces

So this also checks out.

We now go and ask for BIGNUM implementation for Meta ;-)

Well until that will be natively implemented, I created a naive implementation in Meta BIG Numbers .