ALL is the Meta way of using a conjunction, the Boolean AND operator in other languages.
ALL block
ALL takes a BLOCK! of conditions as argument
This method has no refinements
ALL is the Meta way of using a conjunction, the Boolean AND operator in other languages. The return value of ALL is most thought of a being a LOGIC!, a TRUE or FALSE value. But this is not entirely the case. ALL checks all conditions within the BLOCK! to be satisfied, then the last value will be returned. The use of ALL is chosen over AND because this frees up AND for BITWISE operations.
ALL can also be used as a program control without the use of for example IF.
When ALL is used all conditions are checked as long as they are TRUE, and the last value will be returned if not none or false.
write/line all [10 > 1 "yes"]
This prints 'yes'
write/line all [10 > 11 "yes"]
This prints 'none'