FIND Looking for the occurrence of a substring within a string.
FIND value1 value1
value1 - String that you want to check for the presence of a certain substring
value2 - Substring to look for.
Combined refinements are to be used in the given order.
/CASE - Case sensitive
/HERE - The item sought should be on the first position
/LAST - Find the last occurence of the substring
/TAIL - positions the result directly after the found item.
/HERE/CASE - Combination
/HERE/TAIL - Combination
/HERE/TAIL/CASE - Combination
/LAST/CASE - Combination
/LAST/TAIL - Combination
/LAST/TAIL/CASE - Combination
/TAIL/CASE - Combination
Besides looking for a substring of multiple characters, FIND can be useful to check for certain data.
string: "DECAFBAD"
hexadecimal-number?: true
for index count string [
character: copy cut at string index 1
found: FIND "0123456789ABCDEF" character
unless found [
hexadecimal-number?: false
write "String " write string write " is"
write either hexadecimal-number? [""][" not"]
write/line " a hexadecimal number"