OPERATORS perform actions
OPERATORS are also in Meta pretty common. All operators do have prefix alternatives.
List of operators
+ - Addition (ADD)
- - Subtraction (SUBTRACT)
* - Multiplication (MULTIPLY)
/ - Division (DIVIDE)
// - Remainder / Modulo (MODULO)
% - Remainder / Modulo (REMAINDER)
^ - Power (POWER)
= - Equal
!= - Not equal
== - Strict equal, "Hello" == "HELLO" is FALSE
!== - Not strict equal "Hello" !== "HELLO" is TRUE
> - Greater than
< - Less than
>> - Right shift (SHIFT/RIGHT)
<< - Left shift (SHIFT/LEFT)
AND - AND operator, TRUE if both operands are TRUE, FALSE in all other cases
OR - OR operator, FALSE if both operands are FALSE, TRUE in all other cases
X-OR - Exclusive OR, TRUE if only one of the operands is TRUE, else FALSE
Operators are not limited to ASCII, their names are just words, just like other methods.
All operators.