Meta Project

The Unofficial Meta Documentation

Meta methods overview

A  B  C  D  E  F  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  


ABSOLUTE   - ABSOLUTE gives back the absolute value of a NUMBER! type value

ADD   - ADD adds two numbers

ADVANCE   - ADVANCE Advances a STRING! variable one position

ALL   - ALL is the Meta way of using a conjunction, the Boolean AND operator in other languages.

ALSO   - ALSO Similar to the Rebol R3 function ALSO, a convenience to safe without creating your own temporary variable

AND   - AND Bitwise AND operator.

ANY   - ANY is the Meta way of using a disjunction, the Boolean OR operator in other languages.

APPEND   - APPEND appends data to a FILE! to write to a file.

AS   - AS Get numbers from BINARY!

AS-FILE   - AS-FILE Summary

ASK   - ASK Gets input from a user

AT   - AT places a STRING! at the desired position

AT-HEAD   - AT-HEAD Places the position at the head

AT-LAST   - AT-LAST Positions to the last of a STRING!

AT-TAIL   - AT-TAIL Sets the position of a STRING! after the last position.

BODY-OF   - BODY-OF Summary

BREAK   - BREAK terminates processing of a control (loop) structure

BYE   - BYE ends the program execution

CHANGE   - CHANGE Makes changes in an element of an array.

CLOSE   - CLOSE closes a file handle

COMMENT   - COMMENT Comment out parts of your code


CONTINUE   - CONTINUE makes a loop skip the rest of the inner loop and continue the processing with the next iteration

COPY   - COPY makes a copy of a STRING! value

COUNT   - COUNT function that returns the length of a STRING! value

CUT   - CUT returns a range, without copying

DECLARE   - DECLARE declares a static type for a variable

DECREMENT   - DECREMENT Subtracts 1 from the given argument

DIVIDE   - DIVIDE The division operator

EIGHTH-OF   - EIGHTH-OF Gets the eight part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

EITHER   - EITHER The Meta way of using an ELSE branch


FALSE   - FALSE Logic value that represents the false value.

FIFTH-OF   - FIFTH-OF Gets the fifth part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

FIND   - FIND Looking for the occurrence of a substring within a string.

FIRST-OF   - FIRST-OF Gets the first part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

FLUSH   - FLUSH Summary

FOR   - FOR Loop construct that repeats the loop within until every value has been processed.

FOREVER   - FOREVER Loop construct that repeats without restrictions.

FORM   - FORM creates a string representation of the argument

FOR-EACH   - FOR-EACH Loop construct that repeats the loop until each of the elements in a collection is processed.


FOURTH-OF   - FOURTH-OF Gets the fourth part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

IF   - IF is the conditional statement in Meta.

INCREMENT   - INCREMENT Adds 1 to the given argument

INDEX-OF   - INDEX-OF Getting the index of a reference will be done with INDEX-OF. (Not implemented AFAK)

IS-EMPTY   - IS-EMPTY tests if a STRING! has no content

IS-EVEN   - IS-EVEN tests if the input is an even numeric value



IS-LAST   - IS-LAST signals the position of the STRING! type value is at the last position




IS-NONE   - IS-NONE tests if a value has not been assigned a value


IS-ODD   - IS-ODD tests if the input is an odd numeric value


IS-SAME   - IS-SAME tests if values are the same

IS-SINGLE   - IS-SINGLE tests is a STRING! value is a single character



IS-TAIL   - IS-TAIL signals the position of a STRING! type has reached the end

IS-ZERO   - IS-ZERO tests if the input value is equal to zero (0).

JOIN   - JOIN can join STRING! type variables

KEY   - KEY Reads a keyboard key without waiting, as opposed to TAKE. Atari only(?).

LET   - LET declares the type of the value of a word

Meta   - Meta is used to create the header block. The header block contains meta data about the current script.

MODULO   - MODULO calculates the value modulo division by the second argument

MULTIPLY   - MULTIPLY Multiplies two numbers


NEW-LINE   - NEW-LINE A new line character. Linefeed (LF)

NEXT   - NEXT Sets a string to the next position

NINTH-OF   - NINTH-OF Gets the ninth part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

NO   - NO Synonym for FALSE

NONE   - NONE Meta's NULL value

NOT   - NOT returns the opposite value of its logical argument

NOW   - NOW returns the time

OFF   - OFF Synonym for FALSE

ON   - ON Synonym for TRUE

OPEN   - OPEN opens a file handle for the program.


OPERATORS   - OPERATORS perform actions

OR   - OR Bitwise OR operator.

OVERFLOW   - OVERFLOW Allows overflows to occur

PICK   - PICK retrieves the value stored at certain index of an ARRAY! type variable

POKE   - POKE Changes the value stored at index value of an ARRAY! type variable

POWER   - POWER function that raises first argument to the power of the second.

RANDOM   - RANDOM returns a random value for the provided datatype

READ   - READ reads a line from STDIN


REMAINDER   - REMAINDER returns the remainder by division


REPEAT   - REPEAT Loop construct that repeats the loop a given number of times.

RETREAT   - RETREAT places the current position in a string 1 to the front.

RUN   - RUN runs another program or command from your program

SECOND-OF   - SECOND-OF Gets the second part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

SELECT   - SELECT Gathers information from environment variables

SEVENTH-OF   - SEVENTH-OF Gets the seventh part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

SHIFT   - SHIFT Shifts a numeric value the given amount

SIXTH-OF   - SIXTH-OF Gets the sixth part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

SIZE!   - SIZE! Size can help make sure the size of your variable is capable of holding your values.

SIZE-OF   - SIZE-OF Returns the used size in memory of a variable

SKIP   - SKIP skips over a number of characters in a string

SQUARE-ROOT   - SQUARE-ROOT The mathematical squareroot function

SUBTRACT   - SUBTRACT Subtracts the second number from the first

SYSTEM   - SYSTEM is used for system (dependent) information

TAB   - TAB The TAB character.

TAKE   - TAKE takes a line from an input.

TENTH-OF   - TENTH-OF Gets the tenth part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

THIRD-OF   - THIRD-OF Gets the third part of a numeric value like a NATURAL64!

TO   - TO used to transform a value TO another DATATYPE!



TO-UNIVERSAL-FILE   - TO-UNIVERSAL-FILE does all the conversions to turn a platform-specific name string into a FILE!

TRUE   - TRUE Logic value that represents the true value.

TRY   - TRY is used to prevent operations that may likely fail to cause a program error.

UNDOCUMENTED   - UNDOCUMENTED A collection of undocumented or planned methods, types and others.

UNLESS   - UNLESS Another way of writing IF NOT

UNSAFE!!!   - UNSAFE!!! Used in ATARI example.

UNTIL   - UNTIL Loop construct that repeats the loop until some condition is met.

VOLATILE   - VOLATILE Used in ATARI example. Protect against compiler optimizations for data that can be changed from outside causes.

WAIT   - WAIT pauzes the program for a number of seconds

WHERE   - WHERE Returns the current directory.

WHILE   - WHILE Loop construct that repeats the loop as long as the condition is valid at the beginning of the loop.

WRITE   - WRITE Write output to the console. What PRINT does in many other programming languages.

X-OR   - X-OR Exclusive OR operator. Bitwise.

YES   - YES Synonym for TRUE


ALL   - ALL is the Meta way of using a conjunction, the Boolean AND operator in other languages.

ALSO   - ALSO Similar to the Rebol R3 function ALSO, a convenience to safe without creating your own temporary variable

ANY   - ANY is the Meta way of using a disjunction, the Boolean OR operator in other languages.

BREAK   - BREAK terminates processing of a control (loop) structure

BYE   - BYE ends the program execution

CONTINUE   - CONTINUE makes a loop skip the rest of the inner loop and continue the processing with the next iteration

EITHER   - EITHER The Meta way of using an ELSE branch

FOR   - FOR Loop construct that repeats the loop within until every value has been processed.

FOREVER   - FOREVER Loop construct that repeats without restrictions.

FOR-EACH   - FOR-EACH Loop construct that repeats the loop until each of the elements in a collection is processed.

IF   - IF is the conditional statement in Meta.

REPEAT   - REPEAT Loop construct that repeats the loop a given number of times.

UNLESS   - UNLESS Another way of writing IF NOT

UNTIL   - UNTIL Loop construct that repeats the loop until some condition is met.

WHILE   - WHILE Loop construct that repeats the loop as long as the condition is valid at the beginning of the loop.


APPEND   - APPEND appends data to a FILE! to write to a file.

CLOSE   - CLOSE closes a file handle

KEY   - KEY Reads a keyboard key without waiting, as opposed to TAKE. Atari only(?).

OPEN   - OPEN opens a file handle for the program.

READ   - READ reads a line from STDIN

TAKE   - TAKE takes a line from an input.

WRITE   - WRITE Write output to the console. What PRINT does in many other programming languages.


FILE!   - FILE! the file datatype for Meta.

APPEND   - APPEND appends data to a FILE! to write to a file.

CLOSE   - CLOSE closes a file handle

OPEN   - OPEN opens a file handle for the program.

TAKE   - TAKE takes a line from an input.

TO-UNIVERSAL-FILE   - TO-UNIVERSAL-FILE does all the conversions to turn a platform-specific name string into a FILE!

WHERE   - WHERE Returns the current directory.


ALL   - ALL is the Meta way of using a conjunction, the Boolean AND operator in other languages.

AND   - AND Bitwise AND operator.

ANY   - ANY is the Meta way of using a disjunction, the Boolean OR operator in other languages.

FALSE   - FALSE Logic value that represents the false value.

NO   - NO Synonym for FALSE

NOT   - NOT returns the opposite value of its logical argument

OFF   - OFF Synonym for FALSE

ON   - ON Synonym for TRUE

OR   - OR Bitwise OR operator.

TRUE   - TRUE Logic value that represents the true value.

X-OR   - X-OR Exclusive OR operator. Bitwise.

YES   - YES Synonym for TRUE


ABSOLUTE   - ABSOLUTE gives back the absolute value of a NUMBER! type value

ADD   - ADD adds two numbers

AND   - AND Bitwise AND operator.

DIVIDE   - DIVIDE The division operator

MODULO   - MODULO calculates the value modulo division by the second argument

MULTIPLY   - MULTIPLY Multiplies two numbers

OPERATORS   - OPERATORS perform actions

OR   - OR Bitwise OR operator.

POWER   - POWER function that raises first argument to the power of the second.

RANDOM   - RANDOM returns a random value for the provided datatype

REMAINDER   - REMAINDER returns the remainder by division

SHIFT   - SHIFT Shifts a numeric value the given amount

SQUARE-ROOT   - SQUARE-ROOT The mathematical squareroot function

SUBTRACT   - SUBTRACT Subtracts the second number from the first

X-OR   - X-OR Exclusive OR operator. Bitwise.